I am bi-sexual myself, but have lots of lesbians as friends. My girlfriend was round the other week and she was listening to me having some cheap phone sex, she was amazed at how horny I was, her and I have never got it on together before, until that day. I was talking to a guy who was really hot, telling me his fantasy of having two girls. I had to giggle because he didn’t realise at first that I wasn’t on my own. I began to masturbate and before I could say no, she was on her knees licking my pussy, I was so wet and horny it was unbelievable. When the caller found out I had a girl there he was ready to have some serious fun. He was telling my friend to fuck me with a dildo,then lick me some more, I had a really fun afternoon fucking with him on the phone and on the floor with my friend. Definitely do that again! Love having lesbian friends!