I live in a house which I share with my two friends, they both have boyfriends staying over, and one morning I walked into the bathroom and found one of the guys with a pair of my knickers wrapped around his cock and licking another pair. I hope all you phone sex chat callers are Knicker Lovers? I adore them, my favourite types are silky tight ones, they feel so sensual next to my pussy. He was so shocked to see me stood at the door, but I told him to carry on which he did, and I asked him if he would like the creamy fresh pair that I was wearing. Of course he said yes, so I slipped them off and handed them to him. It was so horny to see him smelling my sticky knickers, I began to play with myself as he wanked into them. I didn’t tell my friend what her guy did that day, but I made sure I left my knickers where he could find them!